Tuesday, May 6, 2008

quickly now

Just a quick post today as it's nearly 8 p.m. and I still haven't fed my kids. How they're not chewing on the furniture yet, I don't know, but I'm making the most of their patience to indulge in a little blogging. I'll let hubby handle dinner. :)

I've been spending some (okay a lot) of time lately browsing craft blogs to get a feel for what people write about, what kinds of photos to post, where to draw the line between public and private, etc. One that I found recently is One More Moore, written by Morgan Moore. I really like her writing style. She kind of writes the way I'd imagine she talks, which makes her blog all the moore (get it?) enjoyable. I also like how varied her posts are, ranging from family experiences, art projects, crafts, cooking, whatever. Anyway, I was scrolling through her blog and found the most darling little project that I can't wait to try. Check it out- a "book cozy"!

I actually saw a pattern for something like this a while back and thought it was such a good idea. But what I really like about Morgan's is how she's embellished it to make it look more fun with the nice big letters and fun colorful prints. And I should just tell you now, I LOVE polka dots. Like, it's bordering on obsession, so I really really like her choices in fabrics here. Yes, I think I'm going to have to try this one.