Monday, December 21, 2009

Tutorial: Make an embroidered fabric photo ornament

Last night I finally sat down and made my baby's first Christmas ornament. I have a thing for photo ornaments, but I also wanted to incorporate some of the fabric I used for his crib bedding, as well as a little embroidery. Here's what I came up with.

Even if the ornament itself hadn't turned out well, how could it not be cute with that little face on it?

I didn't take photos while I was making it because I wasn't planning on doing a tutorial. But this morning I figured I could give it a try using (bad) drawings. Don't be fooled by all the steps. This really is a very easy project. So here goes:

How to make an embroidered fabric photo ornament.

You'll need:
sewing machine
thin, clear vinyl (optional)
pencil or disappearing ink marker
embroidery floss
hand sewing needle
embroidery hoop (I used a 3" hoop)
hot glue gun

1. Using your embroidery hoop as a guide, cut 2 pieces of fabric for your front that are about 1" larger than the hoop.

2. Cut one back piece of the same size in a plain fabric (this will not show).

3. Lay front pieces together, right sides facing, and trace a circle in the center with a pencil or disappearing ink marker that is about 2" in diameter.

4. Stitch along your marked circle.
5. Trim away the fabric inside the stitched circle to about 1/4".

6. Clip notches in the seam allowance very close to the stitching, all the way around the circle.

7. Turn fabric right side out by pushing one side through the hole.

8. Finger press the circle, then press with an iron.

9. (This step & step 10 can be ommitted if you don't have or want vinyl to protect the photo.) Place a larger circle of vinyl over the fabric circle. Pin together carefully at the edges so as not to make any pin holes where the vinyl shows through the fabric circle.

10. Turn over so the vinyl is on the bottom and stitch close to the edge of the fabric.

11. Embroider whatever you'd like very near the hole (year, baby's name, etc.).

12. (No photo) Print photo of your subject to appropriate size for hole.

13. Center photo on the back piece and stitch along the top to keep in place.

14. Place front piece on top of photo and back piece, centering the photo behind the vinyl.

15. Carefully place into wooden hoop, tightening fabrics evenly on all sides.

16. (No photo) Trim excess fabric on back to about 1/2" and glue to the edge of the hoop with hot glue.

17. Cut a piece of felt the same size as the hoop and glue to back to cover raw fabric edges.

18. Add a ribbon to the top and hang on your tree to enjoy!

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