Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A few more things

The message board and furniture went to the consignment shop on Tuesday, along with these other little items.

My favorite blue and a bird. Still not sure how I managed to let this one leave my house.

These embroideries were fun. The words are French for "play" (jouer) and "work" (travailler).

The frames were from the thrift store. They got spray painted red and brushed over with black house paint, then rubbed to let the red show through.

The shelf is still on the floor in the garage, looking rather disappointing. Not sure I'll be able to get it done in time to take in for the consignment store's Open House on Friday night, but I'm going to try.

Today I cranked out 4 more pillows, which I'll show you photos of once I've stitched up the open ends. I'm really hoping to get a couple more projects done by Friday, but we'll just have to see how things go.

1 comment:

  1. First, I want to throw-up because of all the crazy craftiness you have.

    Second, next time just mail it all to me! ;)

    And third, I might be looking to commission you for a crafty nursery project here in the near future, if you'd like. I want lots of cute, family-made things for this little girl's nursery! :)
