Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Items for sale & a dramatic Before & After

For those of you who live nearby (Boise Idaho area), I thought I'd start offering you a peek at my "finished products" here on the blog before I haul them off to the consignment store, just in case anything catches your eye. So I'll start posting things a few days before I take them to the shop. If you see something you'd like just let me know (leave me a comment here, give me a phone call or send me a Facebook message) and you can come pick it up or I can bring it to you. The items listed here will be taken to the shop on Tuesday, April 20th.

pale green, lightly distressed little wooden chest with bird detail ~ $30

Robin's egg blue wooden chair with swallow silhouette detail ~ $20

cream wooden armchair with taupe linen upholstery ~ $65
*This chair is affectionately known as N.C. She has her own story to tell. Click here to see her filthy, shameful past.

I have one more item ready to go, but you have to see the "before" pictures before I can show you the "afters". It's pretty dramatic.

I named this chair Penny. Penny was in good shape, but she had these pads hanging on her that were just, um, hideous.

Even just stripping off that upholstery was a huge improvement!

Here's a closer look at the unfortunate fabric choice. Can you tell what it is? Click on the picture for a larger view.

Here's a hint. This tag was stapled to the bottom of the seat. See what's stamped just above "Fabric"?

What the WHAT? Really?? Somebody chose to upholster a perfectly good wooden chair with money fabric?!?

The seat under the cushion was a bit of a mystery. There was this board...

...which was covering some paper which was stapled over some saggy webbing which was drooping down through a hole.

The rest of the seat under the board had been "upholstered" and was in really sad shape.

I relished yanking out every staple so I could be rid of that disgusting fabric.

And here's Penny today sporting some glossy Colonial Red and a brand spakin' new cushion.

Black, white and red suits her much better, no?

The seat got some new webbing stretched tight over that hole (which I forgot to take a picture of) and the cushion is now covered with a lovely black and white floral print with some polka dot piping around the edge and sassy red buttons.

Okay, one more time.

Say it with me now- Blech!


When I sell this chair I'd love to include a print of the "before" photo, just so her new owner can see how far Penny has come!

P.S. Penny is priced at $35, in case you're interested. :)


  1. Oh my goodness. I think I just pulled that exact same chair off the curb last week. Minus the penny fabric, but mine had equally hideous upholstery and "rigging". Will post after pics soon. I painted mine white, but your red makes me question my decision. LOVE it!

  2. We just bought one like it except the number is L8521 and the currency fabric is green.
