Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby Girl's Bird Mobile

Last night I got to go to another open house for an expectant friend. She's due to have a little girl soon so I couldn't resist making something pretty for her. She kindly shared with me the color scheme that will soon be implemented in the room the baby and her older daughter will share, which gave me the inspiration I needed for my project- a mobile.

You know how much I love mobiles, right? I decided to go with a similar design as the one I used for my son's mobile. Here's the post where I wrote about that one (pictured below).

Unfortunately I didn't remember to take a photo of this new mobile until I'd already gotten it secured into the box, but hopefully you still get the idea.

Instead of using felt for the birds, I fused two layers of heavy interfacing together with Wonder Under, then fused fabric to each side of that and cut out my birds.

Each bird has a different fabric on each side in turquoise, lime green, fuchsia and light pink.

I used bias binding to wrap the embroidery hoop that the birds and dots hang from, and some baby rick-rack for the hanger.

I really didn't want to lay the mobile in a flat box for fear it would get tangled, so I made one to fit using a really huge box I had laying in my garage. It took forever to cut each piece, tape them together and then wrap the whole thing, but it worked out so well that I think I was more proud of the box than the mobile!

A loop of string threaded through holes at the top keeps the mobile hanging on the inside and makes a nice little handle on the outside.

Three little bows keep the "door" shut until it's ready to be opened.

Can you believe I found that pretty paper at the Dollar Tree? Why did I not buy more than just one roll?!!
Anyway, this was a pretty simple project. Just ironing, cutting, stitching and gluing. And really the only sewing involved was running each bird and dot through the machine to string them together. Piece of cake! :)


  1. I have said it once and I will say it a million times....Lady, you have talent coming out your ears! That was so darn cute. I just love to see what you will give at a baby shower! It's half the excitement for me!

  2. Hi Sarah,

    The mobile is adorable, but I have to say the box is truly impressive. :)
