Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Before and After: Wooden Stool and Plant Stand

Sorry I've been away so long. My family and I just got home from a week-long trip to California, and unfortunately I didn't get a chance to pre-write any posts before I left. Thanks for waiting! Here are a couple of projects that I finished right before we left.

I found this little dealy at my beloved Bargain Center a couple of weeks ago and knew exactly what to do with it. As-is, it didn't seem very useful, but it was pretty simple to change that.

From a board that I had on hand I cut a piece that was slightly longer than the base was and screwed it in place. The new top got a really good sanding and all of the sharp corners smoothed down.

It got a coat of black paint, but I didn't like how it looked so I kept going.

Some of RustOleum's Colonial Red and a little distressing helped quite a bit.

I like how the wood and the black show through where it got sanded.

I'd almost forgotten that I had this thing until I saw something similar in an antique store that I was visiting with a friend. I really loved those cork-screw legs.

It got sanded, primed, painted and glazed to become this.

The white glaze helps the details stand out a little better, and gives the whole thing some more character.

This is a more subdued yellow than the one I used on this table. This color is called "strawflower" (also by RustOleum) and is just lovely.


  1. I am impressed. I also like the red better. You should update your "finding" post and direct readers over here to the after post!

  2. Very nice blog, thank for your sharing.
    I like it very much..
    teak wood plant stand
