Monday, August 4, 2008

Framed and lovely!

Just a quick update on the project I started here: turning a child's art into embroidery. On the 5 hour return trip that we made from Rexburg to Boise a couple weeks ago, somehow I managed to finish these five "drawings" in the car. This in itself is amazing because since childhood I've always struggled with some pretty serious car-sickness issues if I ever tried to do anything like read, draw or sew in a vehicle. We're talking almost instant nausea. I usually can't even read a map for more than a couple of minutes before my head starts to swim. So being able to go the entire time without so much as a turn of the stomach was very exciting! I felt very productive indeed!

Once I got home I was anxious to get my new art "framed", so I scoured eBay for the perfect sized hoops and lucked out when I found a lot of 5 that had 4 of the sizes I needed. I'm still on the lookout for a good deal which includes another oval hoop for the last one.

When the hoops arrived I set each stitching into the appropriate size hoop and trimmed away the excess fabric, leaving just enough to be folded around the edge and to the back. With my trusty hot glue gun and a popsicle stick I worked around the inside edge, laying down a few inches of glue then pressing the fabric into it with the stick.

Here are my 4 finished ones. I'm planning to hang these in my daughter's bedroom as a group once I've gotten the 5th one done as well. I might even have her do some larger drawings for me to stitch which would add a little more variety to the sizes.

I love that I even managed to find a drawing with her "signature" on it. ;)