Monday, March 19, 2012

Before and After: Wrought Iron Bed and Table & Chairs

Over the summer I hit a yard sale that was a total score (don't you just love when that happens?). I was able to buy this dresser, the maple twin bed from this post, and the bed I'm about to show you, all for $20!! Yeah, it was a lucky day for me.

This pretty little headboard and footboard sat in my garage for months because I wasn't really sure what to do with it. It wasn't in terrible condition, and everybody loves white iron beds, right?

Finally, though, I decided to do something a little unexpected and chose to paint it a COLOR.

I was so inspired by Cailan's yellow iron bed and could totally see this hum-drum bedstead sporting a sunny yellow, too.

But me being me, I can't ignore blue. I always come back to blue. This time, aqua, to be precise. So I posed my dilemma to my Facebook friends and their opinion came back almost unanimously- paint it AQUA!

So aqua it became. And I love it!

This next makeover is another one that's been sitting around my garage for several months, waiting for me to make a decision about what to do with it. Why do people paint furniture such random colors? Seriously- paprika red, mustard yellow and-- I don't even know what color you'd call that green. Anyway, it was weird. But I liked the details of the table and that the chairs were similar but still mismatched.

First things first- everything got primed white to cover those dark paint colors.

I knew I wanted to do white chairs and tabletop and a color for the table legs, but when I found the chair fabric I couldn't believe my luck. It had a fabulous teal, plus the 3 colors that had been used on the table and chairs.

So after I'd repainted them and then distressed, those weird colors showed through but still seemed to "go" because they appeared in the chair fabric. Lucky again!

Here it is set up at the store, waiting for someone to snatch it up!

While we're at it, here's a look at my space as it was last week. Stuffed to the gills with my things and some of another vendor's, and looking quite cute if I do say so!


  1. What do you paint w/? Do you use a sprayer? What kind?

  2. Loved all the chairs and beds frame. It was looking great with whit and other color combination.

    Carol@ white painted furniture

  3. I really like the Cailan's yellow bed it is looking more beautiful may be because of this color, aqua is kinda dull but can't say that it is bad, the chairs are also very nice specially the fabric you used.

  4. Can you please tell me what brand and color paint you used for the bed. I love it and just bought an irob bed to paint! Thanks! you can also email me at mjacklin828 (AT) sbcglobal (dot) net

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