Furniture refinishing has become a passion for me lately. I just love it. Right now, it's what I do. And I do what I do for many reasons. Probably the biggest one is the sheer satisfaction I get from taking an ugly hunk of junk that nobody else wants and turning it into something useful, beautiful and cherished.
Another big reason I do what I do is because I hate to see furniture with potential being wasted. This little guy was in somebody's garbage can before I came along and rescued it from going to the dump. What's wrong with it, I ask you?
It's certainly not the prettiest thing in the world, but why did it get thrown away?? This actually makes me a little upset. It's just so, so wasteful. Even though it hasn't been given the paint job I promised it, it's still very useful and is doing a heck of a job holding up my computer tower and printer.
This old rocking chair is a prime example of both of the above reasons I've given for my current obsession *ahem* I mean pursuit. Obviously, it's missing a few pieces. A seat is kind of an important part of a chair, wouldn't you say?
Not only was the seat missing, but it was also broken. Bless the girl's heart who sold it to me for not just throwing it out or chopping it up for fire wood.
First, the chair needed to be fixed. Wood glue and a screw- done. Then it needed a seat. Cedar fence planks, wood glue, some screws, my circular saw & jig saw- done.
A fresh coat of paint never hurts either. It looks much better just like this.
But if you throw on a custom cushion...
... the end result is unrecognizable. I was able to send this beauty to my cousin who lives across the state by way of my husband when he drove there on business this week. After he'd delivered it she wrote me the sweetest thank you and told me how well it suits her and her apartment. And that's another reason I do what I do. I like to make people happy.
The bottom line is this- I want to impress upon anyone who reads this the importance of looking twice. Try to look past what a piece is and imagine what it could be.
Does it just need a coat of paint or some new fabric?
Would tightening the screws fix that wobbly leg or loose seat?
What if I just changed the knobs or switched out the legs for new ones?
Ask yourself these kinds of questions before you write something off as junk. Because there's probably a good chance that it can be turned into something you'll just love.
You've inspired me to start looking at things for their potential and not what they can do in their current state. I'm sure this thought/principle translates into lots of parts of life.
I'd love the addresses of the blogs you browse!
yah, I want to see "your list" of sites too!
I LOVE how that rocking chair turned out...Adorable! Your cousin is super lucky!
You are so talented and creative, I am jealous.
thanks for sharing!
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